Thursday Apr 23, 2020
#87 Brooke Miller
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Psychotherapist and coach Brooke Miller shares that the best way to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience is (1) to become a master at monotasking. Learn to focus your attention on one thing at a time. Another is (2) grounding affirmation. Lastly, (3) focus attention with intention. She learned this lesson while enduring divorce after a 12-year marriage, in addition to depression and isolation.
Find Brooke at brookemillercoaching.com, and on Facebook and Instagram @brookemillercoaching.
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
#86 Virginia Gilbert, LMFT
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Virginia Gilbert, LMFT, shares that the best approach to getting to the other side of a high-conflict divorce is to view divorce as a developmental task that you have to master, much like adolescence. The key is moving from blame to accountability, such that you take responsibility for the things you can control—and only those things! Virginia learned these lessons not only through her work as a licensed marriage and family therapist, but also through her personal experience going through a high-conflict, apocalyptic divorce.
Find Virginia at virginiagilbertmft.com, or on Instagram @vgilbertmft. Her book, Transcending High-Conflict Divorce: How to Disengage from Your Ex and Find Your Power, can be found on Amazon.
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
#85 Jennifer Kelly
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Fertility coach Jennifer Kelly shares that the best way to get to the other side of a life-shattering situation is to realize that you DO have control over your life, and you CAN change it, even if the idea of change is scary. She recommends EFT (commonly known as tapping) as an effective way to change your mindset, and ultimately your behavior and your life. Jennifer learned this lesson while enduring narcissistic abuse throughout her marriage, as well as divorce.
Find Jennifer at jenniferkellycoaching.com, and on Facebook and Instagram @jenniferkellycoaching.
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
#84 Hollie Gyarmati
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Interior designer and author Hollie Gyarmati shares that the best way to get to the other side of a life-shattering situation is to find a reason to be grateful for where you are right now, no matter how awful right now seems. Hollie learned this lesson while enduring the loss of her professional identity and raising five children during a time of job loss and financial collapse.
Find Hollie on Facebook and Instagram @hollie_gyarmati, at holliegyarmati.com, or at #makingbusybeautiful. Her book, The Mother of All Makeovers: A Memoir of More, Less and Making Busy Beautiful, can be found on Amazon.
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
#83 Jennifer Kreatsoulas
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Yoga therapist, author, and speaker Jennifer Kreatsoulas shares that the best way to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience is to take the time you need to heal. You deserve the time to attend to yourself. Jennifer learned this lesson while enduring an eating disorder and relapse.
Find Jennifer at yoga4eatingdisorders.com, on Instagram @yogaforeatingdisorders, or on Facebook @yogaforeatingdisorders.
Friday Mar 06, 2020
#82 Peggy O'Neill
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Award-winning speaker, author, and inclusion and empowerment strategist Peggy O'Neill shares that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering situation are (1) to reframe your challenges as gifts; (2) to silence your critical voice; and (3) to unveil the diamond within you. Peggy learned these lessons while enduring bullying and discrimination based on her identity as a little person.
Find Peggy at peggyspeaks.com.
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
#81 LeeAnn Taylor
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Spiritual leader, healer, and author LeeAnn Taylor shares that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are to be honest when someone asks how you're doing, to rely on your community, to realize that you're not seeing the world clearly when you feel hopeless, and to seek help from loved ones who have passed to the other side. LeeAnn learned these lessons as the mother of five children, three of whom were diagnosed with autism and fragile X syndrome.
Find LeeAnn at leeanntaylor.com.
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
#80 Tracey Lukes
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Tracey Lukes, a trainer and coach to executives, teens, and parents, shares that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are (1) to find your allies—people who believe in you and love you for the BEST you; (2) to ask for and receive help; and (3) to engage in personal development work to process what you've gone through. Tracey learned these lessons while enduring a divorce and starting a new life for her and her children.
Find Tracey at traceylukes.com.
Monday Mar 02, 2020
#79 Kelsey Abbott
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Confidence coach and triathlete Kelsey Abbott shares that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are (1) to remember who you are, who you were, and who you want to be; (2) to cultivate a beginner’s mind; (3) to practice gratitude; and (4) to ask for help. Kelsey learned these lessons while enduring a traumatic car accident, several injuries, and an 8-week case of pneumonia.
Find Kelsey at kelseyabbott.com, or on Instagram: @kelseyabbotcpc.
Friday Feb 28, 2020
#78 Daeyna Jackson
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Podcaster Daeyna Jackson shares that the best way to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience is to take action. No matter how hard what you're going through might seem, there is always hope for tomorrow. You can only fail if you stay where you are. Daeyna learned this lesson while enduring a traumatic marriage and divorce, as well as depression and suicidal thoughts.
Find Daeyna at sheisamess.com, or on Facebook/Instagram: @sheisamessage.