Thursday Oct 03, 2019
#7 Dr. Ali Griffith
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Dr. Ali Griffith—an autism parenting strategist, business coach, audiologist, and speech/language pathologist—shares that the best way to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience is to get support from someone who's on the other side—through coaching, mentorship, or a support group. Don’t do it alone! Dr. Ali learned these lessons in the wake of her son's diagnosis on the autism spectrum.
Find Dr. Ali at draligriffith.com, and across social media at draligriffith.
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
#6: Paige Ray
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Paige Ray, brand photographer for women entrepreneurs, shares that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are to find that higher purpose or passion that you always believe in—something that gets you going every day—and keep coming back to that. Also, be kind, curious, and bold. Paige learned these lessons while enduring a miscarriage, divorce, and health problems.
Find Paige at courtneypaigeray.com.
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
#5: Heather Deranja
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Registered dietician, personal trainer, and cognitive behavioral specialist Heather Deranja shares that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are finding self-validation, knowing you’re enough, taking small steps, and letting go of judgment in order to come into self-acceptance. Heather learned these lessons while enduring domestic abuse and marriage/divorce with a narcissist.
Find Heather at nutritionvixen.com, and across social media at nutritionvixen.
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
#4: Ashley Bernardi
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Ashley Bernardi, owner of the PR firm Nardi Media, shares that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are to tell yourself that your situation is temporary; to post quotes and coping skills to manifest your healing; and to get support from people who have already been through what you're facing. Ashley learned these lessons while enduring a life-threatening case of Lyme disease that took 30 doctors to diagnose.
Find Ashley at nardimedia.com, or on Instagram at bookerbernardi.
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
#3: Betsy LeFae
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Intuition and intimacy expert Betsy LeFae, who endured marriage to (and divorce from) a narcissist, shares that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are getting support and learning to trust your intuition. Betsy learned these lessons while enduring marriage to, and divorce from, a narcissistic spouse.
Find Betsy at www.betsylefae.com.
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
#2: Susan McVea
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Business sales strategist Susan McVea shares that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are to ask for help with no guilt or shame (even if you're a high achiever); to take care of yourself (and to accept that it's okay to do so); and to practice gratitude. Susan learned these lessons while enduring an emotional breakdown in the wake of a car accident.
Susan can be found at susanmcvea.com, or across all social media at susanmcvea.
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
#1: Faith Clarke
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Faith Clarke, author, connector, and strategist for parents of kids with special needs, shares that the best way to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience is to realize that this isn’t your first war. Remember that you’ve come through hard stuff before, and your ancestors have done it too. You have already been a conqueror, and you can do this too. Make decisions that have the most impact on YOUR energy right now. Finally, trust your friends to help you when you're not thinking clearly. Faith learned these lessons while enduring anxiety, PTSD, and other challenges relating to parenting a child with special needs.
Find Faith at faithclarke.com or parentinglikeaninja.com. She also welcomes you to find her on Facebook.